Telenor MMS Retriever

Telenor MMS Retriever
Telenor MMS Retriever
Telenor MMS Retriever 
Sometimes we are using those mobile phones which can not received MMS (Multimedia Message Service), due to the MMS settings are not installed in our phones or our phones have not the capability to receive an MMS or connect with internet. So Telenor sends a SMS at this type of mobile phones instead of MMS.

Websites & Ads Blocker V1.0

Websites and Ads Blocker V1.0

This Little Application Will Provide a facility to block and unblock web address.
"But What's New In This? We Can Easily Block Websites By Browser Extensions."
Yes of course! You can simply use your browser extensions to block/unblock web address
but it's not real block This website will not work only in your current browser.
Such as you are using Chrome and want to block Facebook via chrome extension, so it's only block in chrome and Facebook will be working fine in I.E.
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